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What is an Explanatory Essay - A Comprehensive Guide

What is an Explanatory Essay – A Comprehensive Guide

What is an Explanatory Essay?
A Comprehensive Guide


Explanatory Essay

What is an Explanatory Essay is a fundamental question for every student to consider and know the answer to. Writing an essay can be intimidating, but understanding the different types of papers can make the process much more manageable. One popular type of essay is the explanatory essay. In this article, we will answer What is an Explanatory Essay, explore a descriptive essay, provide an example, and discuss its purpose. So, what is an explanatory essay? A descriptive essay, also known as an expository essay, is a type of academic writing that aims to explain or describe a particular topic clearly and concisely. The primary goal of an explanatory essay is to present information, ideas, or opinions about a subject in a logical and organized manner.

Let’s consider an example to illustrate the concept of an explanatory essay better. Imagine you have been assigned the topic of climate change. Your task is to explain the causes and effects of climate change to your readers. In this case, your explanatory essay would provide an in-depth topic analysis, including scientific data, statistics, and expert opinions. The purpose is not to persuade or argue a specific viewpoint but to inform and educate the reader.
Now that we have a clearer understanding of an explanatory essay let’s delve into its purpose. The primary purpose of a descriptive essay is to provide readers with a comprehensive experience of a topic. Unlike persuasive or argumentative essays, which aim to convince the reader of a particular viewpoint, an explanatory report focuses on presenting objective information. Now that you are well aware of the difference and ‘what is an explanatory essay’ let’s dive into the purpose of explanatory essay.

The purpose of an explanatory essay is to:


An explanatory essay presents facts, evidence, and relevant information about a subject. It strives to offer a balanced perspective by including various viewpoints, theories, or research findings.


Sometimes, complex or unfamiliar concepts need clarification. An explanatory essay breaks down complex ideas into simple terms, ensuring readers can easily comprehend the topic.


The main goal of an explanatory essay is to educate the reader. The paper enables readers to expand their knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter by providing a detailed analysis and explanation of a topic.

Provide Examples:

An explanatory essay often incorporates real-life examples, case studies, or anecdotes to illustrate the main points. These examples enhance the reader’s comprehension and make the writing more engaging.

Present Objectivity:

Unlike opinion-based essays, an explanatory essay maintains objectivity throughout. It relies on factual information, research, and expert opinions to comprehensively analyze the topic.

Effective Explanatory Essay

It is essential to follow a structured approach. Here are some critical steps to keep in mind:

Choose a Topic:

Select an engaging, relevant topic with enough credible information available for research.

Conduct Research:

Gather information from reliable sources such as books, academic journals, reputable websites, or expert interviews. Take notes and keep track of your sources for referencing later.

Create an Outline:

Organize your thoughts and information by creating an outline. The outline will serve as a roadmap for your essay, ensuring a logical flow of ideas.

Write an Introduction:

Start your essay with an engaging introduction that presents the topic and provides background information. Include a thesis statement that clearly states the purpose of your paper.

Develop Body Paragraphs:

Each body paragraph should focus on a specific aspect or subtopic related to the main subject—present evidence, examples, and supporting details to substantiate your points.

Summarize in a Conclusion:

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points and restating the thesis. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion.

Revise and Edit:

Review your essay for clarity, coherence, and grammar. Make sure your ideas are effectively communicated and that your writing flows smoothly.

Wrapping It Up

An explanatory essay is a valuable form of academic writing that aims to provide a clear and comprehensive understanding of a specific topic. Following a structured approach and utilizing reliable sources, you can create an informative and engaging essay that educates and enlightens your readers. Now that you know What is an Explanatory Essay and how to write an explanatory essay remember to maintain objectivity, present evidence, and use examples to support your points. With practice and careful attention to detail, you can master the art of writing an effective explanatory essay.